Summer is the time of year when people spend significant amounts of time outdoors. As a result, it’s also when many people determine which upgrades and improvements they’d like to make to their outdoor space in order to enjoy it even more next summer. If you think you will be putting your house on the market in the next several years, considering both aesthetics and upgrades that will increase your home’s value are equally important.
A new report by the American Society of Landscape Architects can help homeowners decide which outdoor features are the best bets. According to the 2014 Residential Landscape Architecture Trends Survey, the most popular upgrades include:
Outdoor lighting rated “Very Popular” with 98.3 percent of architects. In addition, there are many low-cost options available such as solar and LED lights.
Terraces, patios and decks (97.7 percent) effectively add another room to a home that can be enjoyed for a large portion of the year.
According to the landscape architects surveyed, low-maintenance landscaping when done right can add 28 percent to the value of your home and cut its time on the market by 10 to 15 percent.
On the other hand, landscape projects that are less popular and less likely to add value to your home include geothermal-heated pools (27.2 percent), outdoor cooling systems (37.2 percent), shower/baths (46.8 percent) and gazebos (48.5 percent).